Gordon and Jane Showell-Rogers - November 2023

Gordon and Jane’s refugee friend Prosper (a Congolese pastor) helpfully articulates what he and his family are going through: 

‘We continue to trust and wait upon God’s timing. I each day understand the Exodus story in the eyes of our own exodus. Why people complained, why people died before they reached the promised land, why they murmured against Moses, etc. hopefully if I was part of them, I would have reacted differently!’ 

Prosper and Antoinette’s experience is the experience of millions.  

Gordon leads the Refugee Highway Partnership (RHP) global leadership team. In 2001, when the (RHP) was formed, there were 20 million forcibly displaced. It’s now 110 million. Many are displaced by conflicts (Ukraine, Syria, Yemen, Congo, Sudan, Ethiopia, Chad ++). 

Because the RHP now has staff (seconded by mission agencies), people are working together in wonderfully effective ways to train leadership for the growing Afghan church, create innovative educational solutions for children without access to schools, train believers in basic trauma healing skills. 

The RHP is also working hard to make protection gaps known and addressed, in response to appeals like this: Please pray for us, the situation in xxxx is very bad for Afghans, especially our Christian brothers, the government of xxxx has given two weeks for immigrants who do not have legal documents to leave, otherwise they will be imprisoned for ten years and fined $2,000. 

Surfing waves post-pandemic is Gordon and Jane’s metaphor for answers to prayer since pandemic restrictions lifted. In the mercy of God, His hand is on so much (though progress does often come at a price).  Gordon and Jane ascribe many of these answers to prayer to Lansdowne’s prayerful support for the last 45 years, beginning with Gordon’s appointment to the Lansdowne home staff to develop international student ministry locally. 

Please continue to pray for them, in the different areas in which they mentor and enable younger leaders all over the world: 

  • RHP (Gordon facilitates the global leadership team and pastors/mentors the staff team). 

  • World Without Orphans (Gordon chairs the Europe board) 

  • Gender and Religious Freedom Network (Jane chairs this charity focusing on the persecution of women and girls).  

  • Jane’s service on the boards of Capernwray Hall and Wycliffe Bible Translators. 

  • Gordon’s involvement in Family, Children and Youth networks 

  • Jane’s magistracy responsibilities (in adult and youth courts for nearly 30 years now): those keep her feet firmly on the ground. 

  • Gordon’s involvement in an innovative online media initiative https://www.christiandaily.com/intro There’s never been a truly global Christian newspaper, elevating the voices of the unheard, especially from the Global South. Media is so deeply influential. Pray for protection for Gordon and Jane and the CDI team – facing several weird obstacles which feel like spiritual battles. 


Jane and Gordon were married, and their children (Andy and Emma) were dedicated at Lansdowne. Andy and his wife Caroline (with Jack, 13, and Eli, 11) currently live in Thailand, while Gordon and Jane now live near Emma and Mark (with Theo, 14, Olly, 13, and Zack, 11). 
