September outreach weekend

September is often a time of new beginnings, first days of school, college and university. For some it means back to work or back to routine after a different summer rhythm. But what if, as a church, it was more than just back to the routine? What if we saw it as an opportunity to share the gospel, an opportunity to reach new people to the area or new people we meet or those people we have been praying about for a while?

Well this year we are doing exactly that. At the end of September we are having a weekend focused on reaching out to others. We want to invite you to pray for these opportunities and join us in inviting those whom God has laid on our hearts, placed in our lives, and placed in our local area. We have two evening events that we would love you to bring friends, family and neighbours along to.

Saturday 23rd September

We will be joined by Steve Legg, who is both a Christian and comedian, for an evening of “Tricks and Laughs”. This is an evening to enjoy a good laugh and open to all who would like to come along. The evening is suitable for those aged 6yrs to 106yrs.

This is a ticketed event so please book on here:

Doors open from 6:30pm for refreshments. The performance will start at 7pm with an interval & refreshments in the middle, finishing by 9pm. Ticket prices include a hot dog ice-cream plus cold and hot drinks.

Sunday 24th September

We will be joined by Michael Ots and Ace from Gladiators as together they share their stories of Hope.

We look forward with a great excitement to see what God might do in this season!

No sign-up required for this evening.
