Discover Global Mission - Sunday 10th July 2022

Following on from our Sunday morning with David Cook and before he comes to speak to us again in the evening we will have an opportunity to think more deeply about global mission.

This evening is a chance to think through how we could be involved in the work of Global Mission and how we can respond to the call to make disciples of all nations.

At 5:30pm there will be another Discover Global Mission event:
Partnership in Mission ‘How can we be effective partners in global mission?’

This will include a cream tea and run into the evening gathering. At this exciting event we will hear from one of our members preparing for mission service and David will be able to share with attendees on a more intimate basis. This is for everyone wishing to broaden their perspective of mission and to consider how we can all be more fully engaged. Booking will be necessary to reserve your place:

A little bit about Rev DR David Cook:

David comes from Australia and is in the UK for several weeks of ministry. After 10 years as a Pastor, he worked at the Sydney Missionary and Bible College for 26 years, lecturing on preaching. He now works with the Expository Preaching Trust and training preachers. He and his wife, Maxine, who will be accompanying him, have been married for 50 years. They have five adult children and fifteen grandchildren.

David Heys