Child Evangelism Fellowship

DAVID COOK is serving God in leadership roles by chairing the National Committee of Britain and the Trustees of the CEF Europe Association. Working with the European Leadership Advisory Group, he represents them on the International Board of Trustees (IBoT) in the USA, where he serves on the Executive, International Ministries and Education & Training Committees and chairs the Nominating Committee, whose purpose is to recruit new IBoT members.

CEF’s threefold mission is to evangelise girls and boys with the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, disciple those who profess faith in Jesus in the Word of God and establish them in a local church to enable them to grow in their faith. The church is God’s plan A for the salvation of the lost, so CEF seeks to partner with local churches to strengthen their outreach to children and young people, through training, direct ministry and support with literature and digital resources. Over the last 18 months 8 groups from various churches in the UK and beyond have been trained with the 4-week online EQUIP foundation course, freely available and designed to help people teach Biblical truth to children.

CEF aims to “tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, his power, and the wonders he has done.” (Psalm 78v4).

CEF trains men and women to evangelise and disciple the generation to come, produces materials to equip its workers, who look in faith to God to supply their needs for support.

In 2021, a full year of the restricting impact of the global pandemic, 3,532 CEF workers reached nearly 16 million children worldwide with the Gospel. More than 5.6 million children trusted Christ for salvation! We praise God that in 2021, in our region of Europe, for the first time, we reached more than 1 million children. Pray with us that God will lead us to reach more children in the years ahead.

In Britain, we have 8 workers. “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few” and so we “Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field. (Luke 10:2). We praise God that three people are now candidates in training to join the team in Britain. In the summer of 2021 seven potential workers took the first half of the Children’s Ministry Leadership Course (CMLC) online, which they hope to complete face-to-face this coming autumn.

Join us in praying that God will raise up National Directors to lead the growing ministry in England, Scotland and Wales.

Join with us in praising God for guiding, giving confidence and providing exciting opportunities to enable workers to deliver in-person direct ministry in Holiday Bible Clubs and Camps this summer.

Join with us in praising God for enabling the International Board of Trustees to interview and recently appoint the new President of CEF. Pray, as we begin to work with him, that he and his wife will be strong and courageous and really know the presence and power of the Lord. Pray that God will help them build on the foundations laid by the outgoing president, Reese Kauffman over the past 33 years, so that millions more children will discover who Jesus is and entrust their lives to him.

David is holding the flag of Slovakia with Krista who works in the International Ministries team at HQ in the USA.

This was at the weekly flag raising in May, when flags of one country in each of the 8 regions are raised. I was present and invited to pray for the team in Slovakia, the country from my region selected for that particular occasion.


World’s Largest Children’s Ministry Announces New President, Jeremiah Cho 

Child Evangelism Fellowship
July 6, 2022

Jeremiah Cho and our own David Cook in Kuala Lumpur in September 2019.


In May, the CEF family celebrated the 33 years that Reese Kauffman served as the ministry’s President. Under Reese’s leadership, CEF grew from reaching 1 million boys and girls per year in less than 100 nations to a peak of over 25 million children annually in nearly every nation of the world. He will continue as President Emeritus for CEF in his retirement.

The CEF International Board of Trustees announces the appointment of the new President, Rev. Jeremiah Cho, effective August 1, 2022. Jeremiah is currently one of the eight CEF international Regional Directors. He and his wife Sarah will relocate from Seoul, South Korea to Warrenton, Missouri, USA.

Brother Jeremiah brings a wealth of experience in sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with children of the world. He has served full time with CEF over the past 34 years in a number of roles including Local Director and National Director for CEF South Korea where he directed a staff of over 200 workers reaching 325,000 children.

Jeremiah's commissioning service is livestreamed on this Thursday 2pm UK time.

He was a missionary to Sri Lanka and opened the country to CEF ministry. From 2014 to the present, he has served as Regional Director in a sensitive region with 28 countries, expanding that ministry from 137 to 387 workers, and expanding the reach of children from 700,000 annually to approximately 7.5 million children annually, pre-COVID.

The International Board of Trustees is grateful to God for calling Jeremiah to serve as President and lead Child Evangelism Fellowship into the future, reaching the children of the world with the Good News of the Gospel.

David Heys