Serving in Church Lunch

What does it mean to serve sacrificially? How does serving show we live out our calling to follow Jesus in the mission of making disciples? Where does my calling or passion fit in to serving God here at Lansdowne? Where can I use my gift of…?

These are just some of the questions I’ve heard people talking and thinking through when they’ve been thinking about where to serve. Each of us have been invited in by God to his family and each of us have a work to do no matter age or stage of life. We all have a place to serve one another whatever that looks like.

At the moment we are in desperate need of people to step up and come alongside our existing teams to strengthen and support them. So many of our teams are struggling because of the increase of activity or people or opportunities to expand what they are doing and with that comes the need for more people. Praise the Lord for all he is bringing into the family here at Lansdowne.

We also desire that as a church we are investing in people and that each of us is continuing to become more like Christ, to be taking that next step in faith and trusting him. God has and does equip each of us and is with us in each thing he has planned for us. Our prayer is that you are each serving in an area where your heart is passionate and you feel called by God to be in.

Let’s be a church that is prayerfully considering the calling of serving in a variety of ways and being willing to step into the plans God has for us.

Come and join us on 24th July to find out more about the various areas and ways in which you could serve. It will be a great opportunity to get to know ministry leaders and spend some time together!

If you have any questions feel free to contact Sophie Akrill-

David Heys