About Us
Our aim at Lansdowne is to glorify God by engaging the Church in mission to the world with the good news of Jesus Christ.
We want to do this by being
A Community
Committed to teaching and living out the gospel in every part of life demonstrating the gospel in acts of mercy and love to each other and our neighbours meeting regularly in services and small groups.
A Training Centre
Equipping people through preaching, bible study, courses and developing opportunities for service.
A Missions Hub
Helping Christians to discover their mission in life and live for it passionately sending people into the mission fields of the UK and the world transforming churches and planting new congregations
We believe that the gospel is a message of hope and that the Church is the hope of the world. Therefore we want to see the whole church (all ages), reaching the whole world (all nations) with the whole gospel (in word and deed).
We work with other churches which have the same aim through our affiliation with the FIEC – the Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches.