
Lansdowne Church has a responsibility to safeguard from harm or abuse the children and vulnerable adults we come into contact with. If you have any concerns about a safeguarding issue please report it as soon as possible to our Safeguarding Team.

  • Overall Safeguarding Lead: Mike Reynolds

  • Deputy Safeguarding Lead: Carmel Ryan

  • Safeguarding Officer: Diane Reynolds

If it is an emergency situation or immediate issue please call 999.

Our full safeguarding policy can be requested from

We recognise that our work with children and vulnerable adults is the responsibility of the whole church. We encourage all of our members, volunteers and staff to be vigilant at all times and to respond to all safeguarding concerns in a robust and timely manner.

Lansdowne Church has adopted and uphold the Pan-Dorset Safeguarding Children Partnership (SCP) Policies and Procedures Manual* and the Pan-Dorset Multi-Agency Safeguarding Adults Policy and Procedures.* 

The Trustees and Eldership have the spiritual oversight of the church and have the responsibility to ensure that:

1.  Staff and appropriate volunteers are given support and training in reporting safeguarding concerns.

2.  There is a system in place for dealing with and reporting safeguarding concerns.

3.  We aim to maintain good links with our local authorities responsible for Safeguarding and other supporting agencies