Our mission is to make disciples from our networks to the nations, declare the gospel and love the lost.
Our Networks
Those closest to us (friends, family, colleagues, neighbours, community, etc)
The Nations
Those people groups where the gospel is not yet established.
“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”
— Matthew 28:19

Participation, Partnership, and Prayer.
We long to see every member and every ministry engage in mission through…
Michael Ots, Evangelist
Participation in Missions.
Sharing our lives and the gospel.
Supporting, sending, welcoming, learning.
A Few
Going to the nations.
Partnership in Missions.
We partner in missions across the world.
Our mission partners serve:
Malawi - Dennis and Sheila Eaton
North West Africa - Project Maureen & partner
North African Diaspora - Partners in Lyon, France
East Asian Diaspora - Partners based in UK
North India - Church-based training centres
Global Strategy - Gordon and Jane Showell-Rogers
Prayer for Missions.
We pray regularly for those in missions, including:
Child Evangelism Fellowship - David Cook
Fulani Ministries in Africa - Boureima Diallo
Student Evangelism in Europe - Michael Ots
PACE school ministry in BCP - Keith Jewell
Teen Challenge Dorset - Gav Sant
International Students (FI) - Sue Burt