A Day Together - Relationship Enrichment Day

A day for couples to enrich and invest in their relationships.

Saturday 17 May

Spending quality time together as a couple is one of the most significant things you can do for your relationship. We know it's easy to let time with each other take second place to the endless list of things that 'must get done'. This is why we invite you to attend the A Day Together seminar… a special time away to listen, laugh and learn more about God's design for marriage… to talk and reconnect whatever stage of life we are in. Think of it as a relationship 'health check'.

You will enjoy quality communicators who will present practical relationship tools based on biblical principles, brought alive with personal stories and illustrations. There are personal application exercises and of course plenty of time to talk privately as a couple. It's a cringe-free day and there are no group exercises, role plays or reporting back about your relationship so you can relax!

Whether you're married or not yet married, whether your marriage is solid or you're struggling, you will leave inspired and equipped to strengthen and grow your relationship with a renewed sense of purpose and hope.

The day starts at 9:30am with Registration and refreshments and finishes at 4:45pm. Lunch and all materials are included in the ticket price (£20 per couple).

Nursing babies are welcome to stay with you during the day, unfortunately we are not able to cater for other children.


Open Worship Night - Thu 20 March