The Air Festival Tract, 2024

In 500 words, the Air Show tract takes the Gospel’s message to people who are willing to consider eternal things. Perhaps for the first time.

Some say that our modern society has outgrown any interest in the Gospel. But many, as we prove each year, take the tract knowing it be Christian and yet who remain willing to read the portions of God’s word contained.

Of the 3000 tracts offered to visitors during the 3 days of the Air Show, most were not only accepted but welcomed and read. The beauty of the tract is that it is personal, in the hand and, like any book, offers readers the option to revisit its content later.

In the first century, Jesus Christ said, “I am come that they (the people) might have life.” This tract was distributed to remind people in the 21st century that nothing has changed. His offer of eternal life still stands and is available for the asking.

Jim Wiltshire


Event Cancelled | CFF Conference | 19 Oct
