Women’s Conference with Lou Fellingham

This is a day conference for women of all ages, hosted by Lou Fellingham. Featuring  worship and word from Lou along with special guests Cathy MadavanApril Ballard and Open Doors.  This will be a time to be refreshed, inspired and equipped. We're looking forward to enjoying this day together as we take time to wait on the Lord.

Saturday 15 March 8:45am - 5pm

DAYTIME CONFERENCE SCHEDULE *Please be advised some timings are open to change

8.45am Registration

9.30am -11am Session 1

11am - 11.30am Break - refreshments (included)

11.30am - 12.30pm Session 2

12.30pm - 1.30pm Lunch (please bring your own)

1.30pm - 2.30pm Session 3

2.30pm - 2.40pm Break

2.40pm - 3.30pm Session 4

3.30pm - 4pm Break - refreshments (included)

4pm - 5pm Final worship time

5pm - End


Open Worship Night - Thu 20 March


Building a God Centred Church