Care Homes Ministry
At our recent 3 Billion Reasons event, we were challenged to reach out to the three billion people in our world who have yet to hear the Gospel. We were told that every day this number increases by roughly 60,000. When challenged like this through preaching, videos and literature, our thoughts turn [and rightly so] to all the unreached people groups in our world. However, are we also giving thought to the ‘unreached’ people closer to home? Yes, they may have heard of Jesus but have no idea why He came. Week by week the truth of the Gospel message goes out through our local mission teams such as In Touch, Teen Challenge, Community Outreach and Street Evangelism.
Watch this video to learn more about the Care Homes Ministry.
The Care Homes Ministry also reaches out to the elderly residents with the Gospel message each month. It’s a joy and privilege to take services in seven different Homes in the locality. There would be an opportunity to expand this ministry to other Homes but more personnel is needed to do so. The urgency of reaching out to the residents before it’s too late is paramount, as from month to month, changes are evident with some having passed away in the intervening weeks …
For many years, Richard and Mavis Wheeler, followed by Rebecca Osborne headed up this ministry most effectively. It’s a source of much thankfulness to God that Bryan and Iris Shaw have now agreed to take this ministry forward.
There is an ongoing need for volunteers to give a short talk, read the Scriptures and/or pray, play the piano/keyboard or just to chat to the residents. This ministry would welcome those who have a heart and the compassion to reach these residents before it’s too late. Parents with young children may also consider joining one of the teams – the residents just love to interact with the children and to watch their development!
If you would like to join one of the teams, then please pick up a Response Form from the Info Point. This gives details of all the Homes currently visited, generally where they are located, which day in the month services are held and the leaders’ contact details. Alternatively, you can email the church office to register your interest:
As Peter Baker reminded us recently “Our mission is as wide as God’s mercy” – from reaching out to the world to those in our Care Homes, many of whom are on the brink of eternity