Family News
Find out more about what’s going on in our church family.
Care Homes Ministry
The Care Homes Ministry reaches out to the elderly residents with the Gospel message each month. It’s a joy and privilege to take services in seven different Homes in the locality.
Antoine Thenin
Have you ever prayed a big prayer? So big that you didn’t really expect God to answer it?
Jane Edwards
AMAC is the Mozambican Christian Lawyers’ Association, and seeks to promote access to justice for the vulnerable, needy and marginalised, showing them the love and compassion of Christ.
3 Billion Reasons Weekend
Discover Global Mission with us on the weekend of the 22-23 June. Come and hear from different mission agencies and discover how God can use you to change the world.
Hope Garnish
Now drawing my time in Turin to a close, after 5 years, it brings me so much joy to reflect back on God’s faithfulness to bring about fruit as we continue to labour for His glory.